Articles tagged “mongodb”

  1. Flask-PyMongo, Back from the Dead

    Sprouting seeds

    Long ago, when I worked at MongoDB I created Flask-PyMongo to make it easy for programmers using Flask to use the database. Fast forward almost 8 years, during which time I wasn't a consistent user of either Flask or MongoDB, and Flask-PyMongo has fallen into disrepair.

    MongoDB, PyMongo, and Flask have moved on, and Flask-PyMongo hasn't been kept up to date. There are more than twice as many forks as pull requests, a GitHub ratio I'm not proud of. Fotunately, the future for Flask-PyMongo is bright.

  2. Ensuring Write-Your-Own-Reads Consistency in MongoDB

    In a question on StackOverflow a few days ago, a user was asking how to ensure that a document hasn't changed between when a client read the document and wrote to it. If user A reads the document and makes some changes (through a web form, for instance), the change should be accepted if and only if no other user B has updated the document since when user A read the document.

    MongoDB doesn't support transactions, and even if it did, they wouldn't help in this case. An assumption underlying the question is that the time between any given user's reads and writes is long -- otherwise explicit/pessimistic locking would be the simplest solution -- in which case holding a transaction open on a traditional database server would be prohibitively costly (in terms of resource usage and performance).

    The solution is to leverage MongoDB's atomic update semantics with an optimistic concurrency solution. This comprises four basic steps: 1. read a document; 2. modify the document (i.e. present it to the user in a web form); 3. validate that the document hasn't changed; 4. commit or abandon the user's update. For anyone who's used a source code version control system before, these steps should be familiar (i.e. pull, work locally, commit, and push for git users).

  3. The new Profiler in MongoDB 2.0

    One of my favorite features in MongoDB 2.0 is the finer-grained output of the database profiler. In earlier versions, the bulk of the profile information was contained within a (structured, parseable) string, but as of 2.0 the fields have been broken out and made queryable.

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